How long does it take to deliver my order?
We try to deliver your order within 5 business days, sometimes it takes a bit longer because we do everything on our own so please be patience. Haven’t you received your order after 7 business days? Feel free to contact us so we can look it up.
How can I return my order?
If you want to return your order, contact us so we can provide you with the information for refunds.
How can I pay?
You can pay with iDeal, creditcard and PayPal.
Can I change my address after completing an order?
It makes it very difficult for us to change an address after an order because everything goes automatic. If you find something is wrong with your address, contact us as soon as possible so we can fix it if possible.
When will there be a restock or new release?
We do not give any statements about any possible restocks or new releases.
Didn’t find your answer? Please contact us through our contact page.
Chamber of commerce number
Return Policy
Faulty Items
All the items bought during sales cannot be refunded. Items will be refunded in the form of a voucher of the same amount to spend in our webshop.